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FANO Launches Developer Webinar Series Amid CEA Partnership with the City and Louisiana Housing Corporation




FANO Launches Developer Webinar Series Amid CEA Partnership with the City and Louisiana Housing Corporation

新奥尔良,路易斯安那州. – The Finance Authority of New Orleans (FANO) has announced its partnership with the Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC) to provide more affordable housing in the City of New Orleans. The Cooperative Endeavor Agreement (CEA) between the City, FANO and LHC is designed to build public agency coordination that will increase affordable housing development in New Orleans.

“Affordable housing has always been a top priority of this administration. This need is even more critical as residents face additional challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 市长拉托亚·坎特雷尔说. The CEA will allow FANO to offer affordable financial products including tax-exempt bonds, property tax exemptions and green infrastructure loans to developers building affordable, 气候适应性住房.

As part of FANO’s climate resilient financing program roll-out, the agency has planned a series of monthly virtual workshops for area developers and contractors to discuss topics related to sustainable building. “The Developer Webinar Series is an opportunity for beginner and experienced developers to learn about FANO’s affordable housing products with an end goal of stimulating affordable housing production and job creation,达蒙·伯恩斯说, FANO首席执行官兼总裁. “Mayor Cantrell and the City Council have instructed FANO to increase economic opportunity by prioritizing beginning developers and contractors. Coordination with LHC will allow us to move webinar attendees from class to the closing table. Each public partner understands the urgency and has committed investments to solve our affordable housing crisis,伯恩斯说.

“I am proud to partner with the Finance Authority of New Orleans and the Louisiana Housing Corporation to ensure improved public agency coordination to help make this happen. Together we are working to meet people where they are, using webinars to educate developers on how to create more housing and more jobs,坎特雷尔市长说.

FANO’s Developer Webinar Series will provide developers and builders with key information pertaining to the benefits of partnering with its agency to create more opportunities for affordable, 气候适应性住房 and commercial space throughout New Orleans. FANO’s first Developer Webinar Series Workshop will include Marjorianna Willman, 城市住房政策主任 & 社区发展和LHC执行主任E. 小基思·坎宁安.,作为主持人. 伯恩斯, Willman and Cunningham will discuss their new CEA partnership to fund sustainable, affordable multi-family housing and green infostructure.

“Mayor Cantrell has a vision of the City working across lines, partnering with LHC and FANO to provide affordable and sustainable housing throughout the City. In the COVID-19 world it is not just a goal but a must,” said Willman. “One of the Louisiana Housing Corporation’s greatest tools for increasing housing sustainability in Louisiana is our 4 percent Low-Income Housing Tax Credits,坎宁安说. “Our partnership with FANO leverage’s that tool with new and existing partnerships to address the needs of New Orleans’ communities and developers. 以这种方式, 我们保证我们的承诺,提供负担得起的, 为新奥尔良人提供弹性住房, 而在同一时间, creating economic opportunities that are beneficial to everyone involved,坎宁安说.

The Developer Webinar Series begins Friday, July 31st, and will continue indefinitely. Each month FANO will present experts in the developer field to discuss topics such as green financing & 建筑标准、税收 & 债券等等. All workshops will commence at 11am and will be geared to both larger-scale and smaller developers, 以及相关的当地企业. To attend FANO’s Developer Webinar Series Workshops, RSVP via Eventbrite. The Developer Webinars will also be available on FANO’s YouTube channel. For additional information about FANO’s Developer Webinar Series, email inquiries to RSVP.FANO@gmail.com.





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